Hi everybody!
Well since our last blog post in February 2021, a LOT has changed! 'Baby Eccleston' who was due in May, arrived 10 days late on the 10th June! Our beautiful baby boy Tommy has well and truly completed us and we are absolutely loving life as a family of 3. We are biased but come on, how cute is he?! :)

Life as new mum is amazing. But it's also hard! I won't sugarcoat it. The tiredness is another level and you have no choice but to get up everyday and get on with it. I want to go back to my pre-Mum self and punch myself when I used to complain I was tired! Haha!
Tommy is coming up to 5 months now (no idea where that time has gone. We feel like we've blinked and he is no longer a tiny, wrinkly newborn) Seeing his little cheeky personality come through each day really do make me and Ryan forget about the night feeds and never-ending nappy changes. His new 'thing' is rolling over - you literally need eyes in the back of your head now. We will think so when he starts crawling! Nappy changing is now like wrestling a baby crocodile. A really cute crocodile, mind you.
Tommy has more clothes than Next (definitely his Father's son) and I'm walking around in my Missguided maternity pants 5 months on. Laugh all you want but I'm 100% serious! Comfort is now key haha.
Anyway back to business...
On Monday 11th October, we made the move from our conservatory-come-office at home to our very own office near Wigan Town Centre. Our house is now a home again and we can switch off from work of an evening (unless Ryan sneakily brings his Mac home to work in the evening!).
Christmas is our busiest period so it's all systems go right now at The Bespoke Foil Company. Website and Etsy orders are flying in and we are coming up with some brand new foil print templates just in time for Christmas. If you're anything like me, I LOVE being organised with my Christmas shopping so in December I can (sort of) relax!
Our ever popular product 'Foil Hand and Footprint' continues to be our biggest seller and since March 2020 when COVID sent the world to a halt, we have been posting the kits far and wide to allow people to take their little one's hand and footprints in the comfort of their own home and the process just couldn't be simpler. After receiving your kit from us, all you need is a smartphone to take a photo and upload them to us and you can sit back and wait for your proof! They make the most beautiful keepsake and obviously we couldn't wait to take Tommy's tiny prints when he was a newborn! We couldn't wait to gift them to Tommy's grandparents!
We are expecting to be extremely busy with Foil Hand and Footprint Kits on the run up to Christmas so if you're thinking of ordering, please allow plenty of time for the kit to arrive, your proof to be sent within 5 working days of receiving your uploads and the finished product to be posted back to you. At the moment, the cut-off date for this is Friday 3rd December to allow us to have the finished foil print back to you in time for gifting to loved ones. This date could potentially change depending on how busy we are so don't delay as we would hate to disappoint anybody! Here's the link if you want to find out more about this stunning product >
On our last blog post back in Feb, I briefly mentioned us looking at offering bigger foil prints and I'm happy to say we can now offer size A3 foil prints for every print on our website along with our usual size A4 or A5. The Family A3 Handprints look ultra-premium and after being asked for sooo long if this was something we could do, we were so excited to get these launched! These are perfect for 2 adults + 1 child, 1 adult + 2 children or 3 children. What do you think of them?
The prints are to scale so if you're unsure on which product you need, please don't hesitate to get in touch via email or Whatsapp. If you'd like to order yours, you can do so here > https://www.thebespokefoilcompany.co.uk/product-page/foil-handprint-kit-family-of-three
We are also going to be launching at least one brand new foil print per week on the run up to Christmas which is very exciting! Our newest product is our Location Map Foil Print. They are perfect for gifting to a loved one, Secret Santa ideas or even keeping one for yourself!
If you're thinking of doing some shopping on our website this weekend, use code GIFT10 for 10% off as a thank you from us to you for all your support over the last few years :)
I'll be trying my very best to write at least one new blog post a week now to post every Sunday afternoon for you guys so if there's anything in particular you'd like to know about whether it's to do with our business or home life - please feel free to let us know!
Speak soon and take care
Ashley x